Where we are going vs where we have been.
We started as a small business with a mission to provide opportunities for our son, Noah, who has profound autism. That goal remains the same, but how we approach the company changes. We have felt it for a while and have been getting closer to how we want to move forward. The updated feel is an extension of our faith, pro-American, freedom-loving, sarcastic selves. We are leaning into building an authentic lifestyle brand. Ugh, being genuine, we hate the phrase lifestyle brand. It feels so bougie, but that is where we are headed until we get a better word. You can still purchase the best flags and wooden products on the planet. So what is new? You can expect a new logo, gear, products, and consistent posting.
We have been called crazy, dumb, rebellious, told we can't, laughed at when sharing our ideas, and seen as outsiders. It took time to be comfortable with who we are and what we believe. However, we have arrived and are weird - enough to believe in God, we are crazy - enough to think people are good; we are building a prairie rebellion and company fueled by the same spirit that built our farms, ranches, and plains towns—the dirt that feeds the world, the rebel that drives herds from pen to pasture. We are building a prairie rebellion full of doers who are radical about supporting their community and who know the value in our sons and daughters. Join us in this rebellion against conformity, where we defy expectations and blaze our path. Together, we will create a movement that builds on the rich foundations of rebellious hope.
How can you help? Spread the word, rally your crew and if you're craving it, grab something from us!